Tuesday, August 21, 2012

El Dorado

El Dorado is the name of a Muisca tribal chief who covered himself with gold dust and, as an initiation rite, dove into a highland lake. Later it became the name of a legendary "Lost City of Gold", which fascinated explorers since the days of the Spanish Conquistadors. No evidence for its existence has been found.

Imagined as a place, El Dorado became a kingdom, am empire, and the city of this legendary golden king. In pursuit of the legend, Francisco Orellana and Gonzalo Pizarro departed from Quito in 1541 in a famous and disastrous expedition towards the Amazon Basin, as a result of which Orellana became the first person known to navigate the Amazon River all the way to its mouth.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Book of Wisdom

The Book of Wisdom, often referred to simply as Wisdom or the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon, is one of the deuterocanonical books of the Bible. It is one of the seven Sapiental or wisdom books of the Septuagint Old Testament, which includes Job, Pasalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (Song of Songs), and Sirach.

According to St. Melito in the 2nd century AD, it was considered canonical by Jews and Christians, and a Hebrew translation of the Wisdom of Solomon is metioned by Nahmanides in the preface to his commentary on the Pentateuch.

The Book of Wisdom should not be confused with the Wisdom of Sirach, a work from the 2nd century BC, originally written in Hebrew.